Friday, April 24, 2015

Reminder - School Kidz Kit orders due soon!

Quick reminder!  
The paper order forms for the schoolkidz kits are due May 1, 2015 
and online orders can be place up until May 7, 2015.  

Orders submitted after these dates will be returned to the parents unprocessed.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 2015 Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
April 2015 General Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, April 6, 2015 at 6:00pm in the school library
Attendees:  Becki B., Tamara S., Jill B., Denise L., Tammy S., Ann N., Deb A., Carol B., Cory S., Hali K.

Principal Report: given by Tammy S.
·         Badger Testing schedule update
·         Volunteer Appreciation Week – Thank you to the PTO volunteers & the PTO for the support throughout the school year!
·         Playground Meeting (next meeting – Thurs, April 8 at 6pm):  received a community grant of $6000; will be discussing design & working to create a layout plan
·         Received a suggestion & basic information on Dream Flight; consider for future school years Reminder to vote April 7

Teacher Report:  given by Ann N.
·         Report cards come home Friday, April 10
·         Reminders for Art Fair & Ice Cream Social (April 13), Math Night (April 23), Inservice/No School(April 24)

Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki B.
·         School Kidz Kits – order forms coming soon
Treasurer:  given by Jill B.
·         Working on an annual budget to operate from and present at an upcoming meeting
·         Current balance:  $6659.81, need to pay for yearbooks yet
·         School purchased movie license due to cost

Committee Reports:
·         Spring Carnival – May 15; planning meeting next week

Other Business:
·         Possible fundraiser – cookbooks; Rib Mountain families submit recipes, organize book, and have printed/bound to sell
·         Discussed PBIS/Staff Rewards
o   Difference in how Mustang Money and Champs Bucks are earned/used
·         Possible Fundraiser – Trunk or Treat/Harvest Fun to be held mid-October;

Next Meeting:  May 4, 2015 at 6pm in the school library

Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

May 2015 Meeting Reminder

Our next PTO meeting will be held on Monday, May 4 at 6:00pm in the library.