Rib Mountain PTO
April 2015 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, and
Location: Monday, April 6, 2015 at
6:00pm in the school library
Attendees: Becki B., Tamara S., Jill
B., Denise L., Tammy S., Ann N., Deb A., Carol
B., Cory S., Hali K.
Principal Report:
given by Tammy S.
Badger Testing schedule update
Volunteer Appreciation Week – Thank you to the
PTO volunteers & the PTO for the support throughout the school year!
Playground Meeting (next meeting – Thurs, April
8 at 6pm): received a community grant of
$6000; will be discussing design & working to create a layout plan
Received a suggestion & basic information on
Dream Flight; consider for future school years Reminder to vote April 7
Teacher Report: given by Ann N.
Report cards come home Friday, April 10
Reminders for Art Fair & Ice Cream Social
(April 13), Math Night (April 23), Inservice/No School(April 24)
Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki B.
School Kidz Kits – order forms coming soon
Treasurer: given by Jill
Working on an annual budget to operate from and
present at an upcoming meeting
Current balance:
$6659.81, need to pay for yearbooks yet
School purchased movie license due to cost
Committee Reports:
Spring Carnival – May 15; planning meeting next
Other Business:
Possible fundraiser – cookbooks; Rib Mountain
families submit recipes, organize book, and have printed/bound to sell
Discussed PBIS/Staff Rewards
Difference in how Mustang Money and Champs Bucks
are earned/used
Possible Fundraiser – Trunk or Treat/Harvest Fun
to be held mid-October;
Next Meeting: May 4, 2015 at 6pm in the school library
Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary