Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 2015 Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
May 2015 General Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, May 4, 2015 at 6:00pm in the school library
Attendees:  Becki B, Tamara S, Jill B, Denise L, Tammy S, Ann N, Cory S, Emily G, Roxie

Principal Report: given by Tammy
·         Badger Testing-almost complete
·         Thank you for the flowers for Principal’s Day
·         Playground – applying for another grant, swing sets are being ordered, awaiting updated plans from playground manufacturer

Teacher Report:  given by Ann
·         Lots of testing occurring currently (Badger, MAPS, PALS, etc)

Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki
·         PTO room update
·         Coupon Book Fundraiser update
Treasurer:  given by Jill B
·         Working on an annual budget to operate from and present at an upcoming meeting
·         Current balance:  $5108.97
·         2 - $300 scholarships provided for graduating seniors at Wausau West
·         Upcoming expenses:  safety patrol trip, 5th grade graduation

Committee Reports:
·         Spring Carnival – May 15; multiple bounce houses, flyer with reminder & updates coming home soon; still collecting classroom raffle basket items

School Kidz Kits – on order, will be here for open house in August.

Other Business:
·         School Directory – in need of a volunteer to coordinate and oversee this project
·         PTO Volunteer Coordinator – in search of someone for this volunteer position; would collect & manage PTO volunteer information
·         PTO BLOG – http://ribmountainpto.blogspot.com/ ; parents can subscribe to blog via email, will be providing agendas, meeting minutes, and PTO announcements & updates on blog.

·         Teacher Appreciation Week – PTO providing a luncheon for teachers on Thursday this week

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