Sunday, December 13, 2015

Decade Dance - Date Announcement!

Mark you calendars!  The Decade Dance will be held February 26th, 2016!!

December 2015 PTO Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
December 2015 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, December 7th at 6:00pm in the school library

Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Jill Brillheart, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, Jason Lang, Jennifer Johnson, Hali Koebe, Joy Lambrecht, Kim Zdroik, Roxi Denzine

Principal Report: given by Tammy Steckbauer
·         PBIS update:  school has 87% of children with no disciplinary referrals
·         Movie Day – Dec 4th, students & staff enjoyed the reward
·         Mustang Market is going well, students are using math to figure out what to save & spending items; thanks for Carrie Selander-Pink for operating the market
·         Table of Champions - #1 voices are expected in the lunch room; 5 students are identified each week who are a great example of this expectation and they earn a reward.  They are invited to dine on the stage on Friday for lunch.

Teacher Report:  given by Hali Koebe
·         Hali shared her appreciation for the Fall Bazaar, she really enjoyed the event.
·         Teacher Request:  next PBIS reward is bowling at Weston Lanes, would PTO provide funding for busses.  Vote taken and funding approved.

Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki Blaubach;  Shared thank you cards sent to PTO
Vice President:  No items
Treasurer:  given by Jill Brillheart;  Current balance:  $9852.19

Other Business:
·         Coupon Booklets:  Quick review of funds earned and discussion of future fundraiser.  We sold 316 booklets for a total earning of $4424.  There was a total of 467 books returned unsold.  T-shirts cost $405, amount received in earnings was $4019.  PTO held a vote to donate the funds ($4000) earned from this fundraiser to the school for phase 2 of the playground.  Vote approved by those present.
·        Fall Bazaar:  We had a total of 31 vendors and brought in $1284 in registrations.  Vendor survey sent out and a few replies have been received so far.  Discussion of ideas for next year took place; please share ideas or suggestions with PTO or direct to Becki.  Feedback is welcome!
·         Decade Dance:  Dance will be held Feb 26th.  Josh Duwe will be the DJ again, rental cost is $425.  Thumbdrive Graphics (Guy K) offered to create a poster for the event again.  Jill B will chair the silent auction/raffle for the event, Tamara S will assist.  Emails will be going out to interested volunteers and potentially for more volunteers soon. 
·         School Directory:  being sent out soon, just waiting for it to return from the printing office
·         Crossing Guard Week:  PTO will cover the cost of gift cards to the crossing guards for appreciation of their work.  Tammy S will facilitate.
·         Overdue Lunch Accounts:  Tammy brought up the topic of overdue lunch accounts.  The school district is looking at options on how to handle overdue accounts.  Some other schools PTOs are covering the overdue balances for now, so a discussion took place about the possibility of PTO covering. 
Next meeting – Possibly Monday, January 11th at 6:00pm in the school library.  Meeting time may be changed and will be announced via facebook and possibly school newsletter.

Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary

December 2015 Executive Board Meeting Overview

Rib Mountain PTO
December 7th, 2015 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, December 7th in the principal’s office
Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, Jill Brillheart
Fall Bazaar follow up:  bake sale went well, need to buy less beverages next year, good participation & attendees, briefly went over survey results, ideas for next year

Staff/Teach Reimbursements:  Went over submitted forms; Jill will issue checks

Saturday, December 5, 2015

2015 Fall Bazaar

This year's Fall Bazaar was another successful event.  We had over 30 vendors participate and had steady traffic throughout the day.  Here are some photos from the event.

Oct 2015 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
October 5, 2015 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, October 5th, 2015 in the school library

Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, Ann Nygaard, Jill Brillheart

Reimbursement forms
Coupon booklets – 3 per child
Updated logo – winner selected this week, new polos for staff; new vendor offers camo design, hats, dry fit shirts too

Donation to Jamie at shirt vendor - $25 donation/Jill will take care of

Trunk or Treat Survey - Last Call!

Last call for our Trunk or Treat survey!  Please provide feedback if you attended this event.  We appreciate your thoughts and suggestions as we look at planning an event for next year.

Click here for the survey.

Nov 2015 PTO Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
November 2015 General Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, October 2nd, 2015 at 6:00pm in the school library

Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Jill Brillheart, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, Ann Nygaard, Karen Clark, Emily Gaffney, Jason Lang, Tracy Gorzek

Principal Report: given by Tammy Steckbauer
·         Great football season, had approximately 30 kids participate
·         Had a successful volleyball season
·         Parent Teacher Conferences – Nov 5 & 9, online signups went well
·         Family Fun Night – had approximately 50 attendees for the Literacy program
·         Stand For the Silent – 1st meeting just held, approximately 30 students participating
·         Playground:  Assembly held last week for large donors; Phase 2 fundraising is nearly achieved as the Town of Rib Mtn made a large donation.  Will probably have another brick paver fundraising session in early spring.
·         Wed, Nov 4th is early dismissal (11:30am)
·         Nov 13th – report cards home
·         Dec 1st – Winter Concert; practice at West will take place Nov 30th in the morning

Teacher Report:  given by Ann Nygaard
·         On the fall break, teachers worked on the new reading curriculum & staff development goals
·         Ms. Torrens appreciated the Trunk or Treat

Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki Blaubach
·         No items
Vice President: given by Tamara Sillars
·         No items
Treasurer:  given by Jill Brillheart
·         Current balance:  $5800
·         Donation made to the Paige Bootz Memorial Fund ($25)

Other Business:
·         Coupon Booklets:  raised approximately $4000 with this fundraiser; t-shirts arriving soon.
·         Trunk or Treat:  approximately 100 kids attended; thank you to the trunk sponsors!  And thank you to Roxi for extra help.  Co-chairs receiving positive feedback from families.  Survey being conducted – please take to provide feedback for planning of future events:
·         Fall Bazaar:  Currently have 28 vendors; trying pre-orders of food orders.  Very limited space left in the gym, spaces in the hallway remaining.  Additional banners ordered.  Will be doing online signup for volunteer shifts and bake sale:
·         Meeting Day & Time Discussion:  after a brief discussion, meetings will continue to be held on the first Monday of the month at 6:00pm.
·         Decade Dance:  Jason Lang is chairing the dance and is looking for a co-chair that can take over in future years.  A date is being worked on currently. 
·         Printer Cartridge Volunteer:  school is looking for a bit of help with recycling the printer cartridges, Karen C. suggested this is something Peer Leaders could help with.
·         Idea:  idea shared by Becki B. for a “mornings with mom/dad” where parents/guardians and students could come to school early to share donuts & coffee/OJ as a PTO community building event. 
Next meeting – Monday, December 7th at 6:00pm in the school library

Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary

Nov 2015 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
November 2015 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, November 2nd, 2015 in the principal’s office

Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, Ann Nygaard, Jill Brillheart

·         Teacher Reimbursements:  discussed process; Becky will set up spreadsheet to keep track of the teacher’s $100 reimbursements
·         T-shirts:  new logo reviewed; shirt samples will be arriving soon along with order forms
·         Give2Get2:  discussed how to possibly set up and keep track of volunteers; looking at dates in spring

·         Staff Incentives:  Ann provided a suggestion list for possible incentives PTO could provide to assist with school budget

Oct 2015 PTO Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
October 2015 General Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, October 5th, 2015 at 6:00pm in the school library

Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Jill Brillheart, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, Ann Nygaard, Emily Gaffney, Roxie Denzine, Jason Lang, Kim Zdroik, Tracy Gorzek, Jennifer Johnson, Kristen Anderson, Vickie Christianson, Ashley Hartman, Joy Lambrecht, Dave Mathias, Laura Jonland, Amy Gulsvig, Shane Denzine

Principal Report: given by Tammy Steckbauer
·         261 kids at Rib this school year
·         Coaches found for volleyball and flag football, potentially can run boys basketball team
·         Playground – Phase 1 completed within a year; Oct 28th celebration (announcement coming soon); Phase 2 is in the works, we need another $30,000 to complete, discussion of various donors & grant options
·         New reading curriculum this year / literacy night will be coming up
·         Lots of assessments happening in classrooms at this time
·         Parent/Teacher Conferences are Nov 5 & 9, online registration this year

Teacher Report:  given by Ann Nygaard
·         Thank you from staff for the back to school lunch!
·         Coordinating popcorn popping for Family Fun Night, PTO will pop that day

Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki Blaubach
·         Congrats to Ashley H. –winner of $25 Visa card winner
·         Thank you notes acknowledged
Treasurer:  given by Jill Brillheart
·         Current balance:  $5561.49
·         Discussed various expenses PTO pays for throughout the school year

Other Business:
·         Trunk or Treat –in need of sponsors for trunk spaces; discussion of who else to contact.  May have to cancel if we have less than 10 sponsors.  Many families looking forward to this event.  PTO hopes to expand the event in the future to be a trunk or treat and have a movie and concessions available.
·         Spirit Wear – Kim Zdroik coordinating, we have selected a new printing company and they offer some great new options for items.  Will have order forms available soon.
·         Coupon Booklets – the company is overseeing the fundraiser, return books if not selling; this fundraiser will not be done again next year
·         Online sign up discussion for volunteer duties and events
·         Parent/Teacher Conference Meals – Carol B is coordinating this year
·         Spring Fundraiser – Square 1 Art; group voted to move forward with plans for this fundraiser.

Next meeting – Monday, November 2nd at 6:00pm in the school library

Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary