Saturday, December 5, 2015

Nov 2015 PTO Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
November 2015 General Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, October 2nd, 2015 at 6:00pm in the school library

Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Jill Brillheart, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, Ann Nygaard, Karen Clark, Emily Gaffney, Jason Lang, Tracy Gorzek

Principal Report: given by Tammy Steckbauer
·         Great football season, had approximately 30 kids participate
·         Had a successful volleyball season
·         Parent Teacher Conferences – Nov 5 & 9, online signups went well
·         Family Fun Night – had approximately 50 attendees for the Literacy program
·         Stand For the Silent – 1st meeting just held, approximately 30 students participating
·         Playground:  Assembly held last week for large donors; Phase 2 fundraising is nearly achieved as the Town of Rib Mtn made a large donation.  Will probably have another brick paver fundraising session in early spring.
·         Wed, Nov 4th is early dismissal (11:30am)
·         Nov 13th – report cards home
·         Dec 1st – Winter Concert; practice at West will take place Nov 30th in the morning

Teacher Report:  given by Ann Nygaard
·         On the fall break, teachers worked on the new reading curriculum & staff development goals
·         Ms. Torrens appreciated the Trunk or Treat

Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki Blaubach
·         No items
Vice President: given by Tamara Sillars
·         No items
Treasurer:  given by Jill Brillheart
·         Current balance:  $5800
·         Donation made to the Paige Bootz Memorial Fund ($25)

Other Business:
·         Coupon Booklets:  raised approximately $4000 with this fundraiser; t-shirts arriving soon.
·         Trunk or Treat:  approximately 100 kids attended; thank you to the trunk sponsors!  And thank you to Roxi for extra help.  Co-chairs receiving positive feedback from families.  Survey being conducted – please take to provide feedback for planning of future events:
·         Fall Bazaar:  Currently have 28 vendors; trying pre-orders of food orders.  Very limited space left in the gym, spaces in the hallway remaining.  Additional banners ordered.  Will be doing online signup for volunteer shifts and bake sale:
·         Meeting Day & Time Discussion:  after a brief discussion, meetings will continue to be held on the first Monday of the month at 6:00pm.
·         Decade Dance:  Jason Lang is chairing the dance and is looking for a co-chair that can take over in future years.  A date is being worked on currently. 
·         Printer Cartridge Volunteer:  school is looking for a bit of help with recycling the printer cartridges, Karen C. suggested this is something Peer Leaders could help with.
·         Idea:  idea shared by Becki B. for a “mornings with mom/dad” where parents/guardians and students could come to school early to share donuts & coffee/OJ as a PTO community building event. 
Next meeting – Monday, December 7th at 6:00pm in the school library

Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary

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