Friday, March 11, 2016

March 2016 General Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
March 2016 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, March  7th at 6:00pm in the school library

Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, David Gorzek, Ruth Rossetti, Shane & Roxi Denzine, Emily Gaffney

Speaker:  Sandy Ellis provided information and discussion in regards to positive parenting tips, using logical consequences, etc.  Some resources are available in the school office.

Principal Report: given by Tammy Steckbauer
·         Phase 2 of the playground has been ordered, do not have an installation date at this time but will hopefully be over the summer.
·         Brick paver fundraiser – round 2 bricks have been ordered
·         Thank you to the PTO for providing busses for bowling
·         Thank you to PTO and volunteers for providing Parent/Teacher Conference Meals
·         Art Fair & Spagetti Dinner will be held March 15th.  Tickets for dinner will be sold near the front entrance of school in an attempt to alleviate the long line at the entrance of the gym.  The evening is fluid in organization: families can look at artwork first and then have dinner, or have dinner and then look at artwork, or just come to look at artwork. 

Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki Blaubach
·         Art Fair – volunteers needed for set up of artwork; online sign up available at
·         Spring Fundraiser – art has been sent in, should have order forms coming home soon
·         Target is ending their school program as is Campbells Soup (ends in August).  Discussion of Shoparoo app and Donuts & Dough (Kwik Trip) as possible alternatives.
·         Ice Cream Party from Box Tops contest:  Becki & Denise served ice cream to Ms. Torrens/Ms. Eby’s classroom for first place, and surprised Mrs. deJong’s class with ice cream for 2nd place.
·         Milk Caps – please WASH prior to sending in and ensure only those caps marked for fundraising are submitted.  Plain milk caps are not collected.
Vice President:  given by Tamara Sillars
·         Donation Request Form

Other Business:
·         Spirit Week:  Went well, people thought it was fun and plans were not over the top for dress. 
·         Decade Dance:  Overall dance went well.  Discussed concerns regarding behavior of attendees and possible changes for next year.  Thank you to the great group of volunteers for their time with the dance!
·         Book Fair:  Another successful Book Fair, sales reached almost $4000.  Earnings will be taken in Scholastic Dollars to use for next year’s Scholastic News and fulfilling teacher wish lists for classroom libraries.

Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Feb 2016 General Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain Elementary School
PTO Meeting Minutes
February 1, 2016

1.      Introductions
a.      Present: Tamara Sillars, Jill Brillhart, Tammy Steckbauer, Ann Nygaard, Kim Zdroik, Elisa Hartman
2.      Principal’s Report
a.      Introduction to Marcie Wolfe, our new 2nd grade teacher. Worked with Mrs. Reguse today and tomorrow she will be on her own.
b.      All school acknowledgment is tomorrow for filling their Mustang Meter. Thank you to the PTO for paying for the busses.
c.       Table of Champions is going great. Five names are chosen from grades kindergarten through fifth. The five chosen may choose a friend to sit at the table with them. The five students also get a Golden Ticket to the Mustang Market or they may keep their ticket and enter for a drawing.
3.      Teacher’s Report
a.      100th day is coming up.
b.      Valentine’s Day is near.
c.       Students are excited about Valentine’s Day and bowling.
d.      Spaghetti Supper and Art Fair is March 15th. Spaghetti will be served by the teacher’s.
4.      Officer’s Report
a.      President’s – no report.
b.      Vice President’s – no report.
c.       Treasurer’s—We are at budget with $8,025 in our account. We are still holding the funds that we have pledged for the playground until it is needed.
5.      Committee/Other Reports
a.      McDonald’s Event Update—Cookie sales brought in $115. There will be additional money raised through the sale of Happy and Value Meals.
b.      Book Fair—Theme is “Under the Sea.” Delivery should happen the week of February 14th, looking to set-up on February 19th. Book fair will be open during conferences and we will be seeking volunteers for 2/23, 2/24 and 2/26 for a short window after school (3:15-4:00pm). If we do not have volunteers for the extra days, the book fair will not open. Online sign-up information will be created this week and will be sent to interested parents first, then shared via Facebook and a sheet sent home. Would like to set up early to allow for earlier sales and teacher preview time. Will have wish lists available for teachers to put together that we can put out during book fair hours. Need to purchase a stamp and ink pad to stamp books after purchase.
c.       Decade Dance—Online set-up went out to interested parents Sunday, will post to Facebook on Wednesday. Can send paper sheet home next week, pending volunteer status, PTO will need to pay for printing on poster. Guy has donated his time creating it. Denise is waiting to hear from Guy on printer recommendation and cost.
d.      Breakfast Buddies—We would like to move forward. No dates were proposed.
e.      Spring Fundraiser—Becki will have dates when this will run.
6.      Other Business or Announcements
a.      None.

Notes takes by Tamara Sillars

Jan 2016 PTO General Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
January 2016 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, December 7th at 6:00pm in the school library
Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Jill Brillheart, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, Jason Lang, Ann Nygaard
Principal Report: given by Tammy Steckbauer
·         Information on staffing changes shared.  If you have questions, please speak with Mrs. Steckbauer.
Teacher Report:  given by Ann Nygaard
·         The new reading curriculum is going well
·         Thank you for the polo shirts and gift cards
Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki Blaubach;  Shared thank you cards sent to PTO
Vice President:  No items
Treasurer:  given by Jill Brillheart; Current balance:  $8009, $4000 is for school playground funds
Other Business:
·         Spring Fundraiser:  Square One Art project; may go through guidance rather than art.  Information coming soon.
·         McDonald’s Fundraiser:  Both Rib Mountain schools have been approached by McDonald’s to be involved in a fundraiser during their open house on Jan 30th for their grand re-opening event.  Volunteers will be needed, more information coming soon.
·         Decade Dance:  Dance will be held Feb 26th.  Volunteer signups coming out soon.
·         Crossing Guard Week:  Gift cards with thank you letter provided to the regular crossing guards.  We thank them for keeping our students safe when walking to/from school.
·         Book Fair – Will definitely run during conferences, looking to be open after school for additional days.  Schedule and volunteer signup coming soon.  Will be doing an “Under the Sea” theme.
·          Next meeting – Monday, February 1st at 6:00pm in the school library

Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary