Friday, March 11, 2016

March 2016 General Meeting Minutes

Rib Mountain PTO
March 2016 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, and Location:  Monday, March  7th at 6:00pm in the school library

Attendees:  Becki Blaubach, Tamara Sillars, Denise Lang, Tammy Steckbauer, David Gorzek, Ruth Rossetti, Shane & Roxi Denzine, Emily Gaffney

Speaker:  Sandy Ellis provided information and discussion in regards to positive parenting tips, using logical consequences, etc.  Some resources are available in the school office.

Principal Report: given by Tammy Steckbauer
·         Phase 2 of the playground has been ordered, do not have an installation date at this time but will hopefully be over the summer.
·         Brick paver fundraiser – round 2 bricks have been ordered
·         Thank you to the PTO for providing busses for bowling
·         Thank you to PTO and volunteers for providing Parent/Teacher Conference Meals
·         Art Fair & Spagetti Dinner will be held March 15th.  Tickets for dinner will be sold near the front entrance of school in an attempt to alleviate the long line at the entrance of the gym.  The evening is fluid in organization: families can look at artwork first and then have dinner, or have dinner and then look at artwork, or just come to look at artwork. 

Officer Reports:
President: given by Becki Blaubach
·         Art Fair – volunteers needed for set up of artwork; online sign up available at
·         Spring Fundraiser – art has been sent in, should have order forms coming home soon
·         Target is ending their school program as is Campbells Soup (ends in August).  Discussion of Shoparoo app and Donuts & Dough (Kwik Trip) as possible alternatives.
·         Ice Cream Party from Box Tops contest:  Becki & Denise served ice cream to Ms. Torrens/Ms. Eby’s classroom for first place, and surprised Mrs. deJong’s class with ice cream for 2nd place.
·         Milk Caps – please WASH prior to sending in and ensure only those caps marked for fundraising are submitted.  Plain milk caps are not collected.
Vice President:  given by Tamara Sillars
·         Donation Request Form

Other Business:
·         Spirit Week:  Went well, people thought it was fun and plans were not over the top for dress. 
·         Decade Dance:  Overall dance went well.  Discussed concerns regarding behavior of attendees and possible changes for next year.  Thank you to the great group of volunteers for their time with the dance!
·         Book Fair:  Another successful Book Fair, sales reached almost $4000.  Earnings will be taken in Scholastic Dollars to use for next year’s Scholastic News and fulfilling teacher wish lists for classroom libraries.

Minutes compiled by Denise Lang, Secretary

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